Pinterest: A Tool for Stress Relief and More

Creating a vision board can be extremely empowering for goal-setting.

I’ve been a fan of “vision boards” for many years–they can help you to really create a clear picture of what you want in life and they stimulate creativity. They can provide reminders of what goals I’d like to really pursue and it’s fun to look back and see when I’ve made progress. (Here’s a list of more benefits that come with vision boards.)

As a vision board fan, I was thrilled when Pinterest came out. It helps you make simple vision boards that can also include information you can use to put your plans into action and instructions on how to actually reach these goals. Today, you may want to create a new pinboard at Pinterest that can help you with one of the following:

  1. Learn about something new
  2. Reach a goal
  3. Create a more peaceful life (here are some of my boards that can help with this!)
  4. Deepen your knowledge on one of your favorite topics
  5. Collect recipes, craft ideas, workout plans, make-up tips, DIY projects, and more

It’ll take just a few minutes and could be the beginning of a fun habit that can move you forward in your life. Also, you can check out my boards for ideas–I’ve cultivated several. Happy pinning!

Elizabeth Scott

I've been writing about stress management, happiness, and overall wellness for over a decade, hold a master's degree in counseling and am working on a dissertation in psychology, and am the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. I'm also a devoted wife and mother.

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