How Morning Gratitude Transforms Your Day

You may not feel THIS happy first thing in the morning, but after a little gratitude…

You may have heard that increasing your level of gratitude via a gratitude journal or other simple habit is a good idea (and you’re right!) but if you haven’t actually implemented this practice into your daily life, today is the day to start! I’ve been keeping a gratitude journal on and off since high school, and during the times in my life when I’ve been more consistent with it, I could tell the difference in the rest of my day! But don’t take my word for it–there’s other evidence to show that you’ll likely experience this and other benefits if you do the same. A research-based recommendation is to identify three things you’re grateful for per day. However, if the thought of maintaining a journal seems like a lot of work, here are a few ideas that can make it simpler, or help you fit it into the rest of your daily routine:

  1. Write it in the margins of your daily planner, if you keep one.
  2. Mention it on social media if you post a lot anyway. (You can also post what you’re grateful for on my Facebook page About Stress Management and start a conversation!)
  3. Mention it aloud to yourself as you shower or drive.
  4. Bring it up in conversation.
  5. Use your phone to take pictures of things you appreciate as you go through your day.

Quick–think of one thing you’re most grateful for

…now you only have two to go and your day is on a better path!


Note: You can receive daily emails including messages like this, additional resources, and occasional free gifts and recommendations by signing up for the Daily Piece of Peace Newsletter here!  And if you find this helpful, I’d love it if you would share and help spread the word.

Elizabeth Scott

I've been writing about stress management, happiness, and overall wellness for over a decade, hold a master's degree in counseling and am working on a dissertation in psychology, and am the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. I'm also a devoted wife and mother.

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