Happy “Hunt for Happiness” Week!

Happiness happens when you take steps to make it so.

This week is known by the Secret Society for Happy People as “Hunt for Happiness Week,” which also makes it a great time to focus on bringing more pleasure, contentment, and joy into your life by adding activities that are proven to bring these great feelings.  Outside of participating in the official “Hunt for Happiness Week” activities, there are many things you can do to create more happiness in your life. Here are some of the simplest and most effective ways to increase your positive feelings:

  1. Keep a gratitude journal.
  2. Do something every day that you really enjoy.
  3. Be sure you laugh a little extra each day.
  4. Let people know you appreciate them.
  5. Remember and savor your happy experiences.

You can also think about the things that make you happiest and be sure to incorporate them more into your life. Right now, think about three things that you’d like to experience more of this week, things that make you happy, and put them in your schedule for the next week. (I recommend that at least one of them be something from my list above, but it’s up to you.) Enjoy!

Elizabeth Scott

I've been writing about stress management, happiness, and overall wellness for over a decade, hold a master's degree in counseling and am working on a dissertation in psychology, and am the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. I'm also a devoted wife and mother.

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